Well, it's not easy.
This is my very first time making an omelette. I had no idea how to go about this, and yes, I did google it. But it's still fun to see me fail, right?
Ahem. Anyway, start with two eggs.
Now beat the living crap out of those eggs.
Now, add some butter to a pan, and let it melt...
Note:) I added waay too much butter and my omelette turned out greasy. So...I'd say around a tablespoon or less.
Next, add some milk to the egg mixture and beat it some more. You need to get some air into the eggs, so I suggest listening to an upbeat song whilst mixing. My personal favorite for this situation is Hey Ya! by OutKast.
Note:) Holding a newly opened milk jug and a camera while trying to pour is one of the hardest things ever.
When the pan is hot and ready to go, pour the egg in. don't stir it. Just let it sit and set for a while.
All that brown junk is burnt butter. Gross, right? For this recipe, you need to be fast. As soon as the butter melts, you need to pour the egg in. I made the mistake of waiting too long trying to figure out my camera settings and chopping bacon.
Now you'll notice that the egg has cooked on the bottom, but there is still liquid on the top. Using a spatula, push the egg on the edge of the pan forward, so that the liquid spills onto the cooking surface.
Okay, once the eggs have cooked all the way, it should look like a yellow pancake. This is not how it should look.
But this is how I made it. Yeah.
Add whatever toppings you want. I chose bacon and Italian cheese blend.
The next part is very difficult, and practically impossible to document with a camera. Take the pan, and make sure the egg is loose and moves about freely when you shake it. Carefully slide the egg onto your plate. When the omelette is about half-way onto the plate, fold the remaining egg over the top.
It's harder than it sounds, especially when you have no arm muscle.
By the end, it should look like a better rendition of this.
Okay, so my first omelette turned out crappy. That doesn't mean yours will. And besides, practice makes perfect. Experiment with different toppings, spices, herbs--whatever you feel like having.
But bacon is the best. Just sayin'.